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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Radiation Deaths Fukushima Mayor and Journalist Die

With so many deaths coming up I am going to cover two deaths in this one post. The media it seems only report deaths if the people that die are widely known. In other words they are forced to report the deaths when important people die. However if only important people are reported on and we see a lot of them dieing.. Who knows how many ordinary people have died around Fukushima.

Well there have been a lot of speculation about the 24 Year old journalist Mr. Abe Hiroto who died from acute lymphocytic leukemia. He wrote for a fishing magazine called Rod &Reel. He supported Fukushima by eating Fukushima fish and did this by living in the 30 km area. He camped outside eating fish from the rivers and ocean, took baths in the rivers like you normally would do if you are camping.

Now since his death media have tried to cover up some of the things that he did, like saying that he didn't camp outside in Fukushima and eat the fish. All this in an attempt to try and destroy any links his death could have had to the Fukushima Disaster. Problem is photos, he was a journalist and took lots and lots of photos and wrote colums during his time fishing and eating the contaminated foods of Fukushima.

In a Rod & Steel column we can read how he lived outside:
“Trying to save up money for hotel and food. Better spend on transporting. I want to stay here as long as possible. Of course I don’t have a bath. Just jump in the river / pond. Go wherever I want to go. Fish until I can fish. Camping. When I’m hungry, I fish and eat it.”

There is also a column from May 2011 (some 3 months after the Fukushima Disaster) where he wroth he had caught a 49cm fish in Fukushima.

I don't know how to tell you how stupid this was of him to do. He was living in the Fukushima Disaster area contaminated by not 1 or 2 but 3 FULL NUCLEAR MELTDOWNS including reactor units that had NOT ONLY been fueled with Uranium but Weapons Grade PLUTONIUM!! Right now the molten nuclear fuel have breached the pressure vessel and the molten hot corium is working it's way down and eroding it's way into the earth.

In this very well made documentary of the Chernobyl Disaster you can start to understand how hard the Russians worked to try and dig underneath the reactor unit that exploded to try and stop the corium from reaching the water table. If that would happen in Chernobyl (and it's still is a possibility) there would be another huge explosion. And this is what is going on at Fukushima right now.

You can watch the documentary right here:
☢ The Battle of Chernobyl - Best Documentary of the Nuclear Disaster of Chernobyl ☢

However the reactor units at Fukushima are not built on land. The reactor units sit on a landfill! And the Japanese are not doing anything to stop this at the moment. Only the pressure from other governments concerned are going to work.

Moving along to the sudden death of a Mayor near Fukushima that recently died 67 years old. Tochigi died of thoracic aortic aneurysm rhexis in the night of 12/4/2011. Nasushiobara, Tochigi Prefecture is 100 km from Fukushima meltdowns. In October he was hospitalized for two weeks for bacterial enteritis. He seems to have gotten a acute rupture of the small intestine.

Now if we read into this a bit more it says that this is most commonly caused by the ingestion of substances contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, dehydration and fever. Inflammation of related organs of the gastrointestinal system are gastro-enteritis

A report from Berlin after the Chernobyl Disaster states that: “A study carried out by the World Health Organisation (WHO) of liquidators in the Russian Federation, found a statistically significant increase in blood and endocrinal diseases, as well as a significant increase in gastro-enteritis, infections and parasite-related disease. According to Russian information, many invalided liquidators suffer from inflammatory-gastro-enteritis.

You can read about the Fukushima Children and the Public Radiation Sickness Symptoms here:
☢ Fukushima Radiation Sickness Symptoms Public Inability To Fight Illness Part1 ☢

radiation detection
So we can clearly see how radiation breaks down the body causing many different problems not only cancer. Will there be more similar deaths in the near future connected to Fukushima? Yes, it's sad. The children are most in danger and already we see that children in Fukushima have stopped growing. Growth in children is down 75% in Fukushima. This is another horrible thing that eating contaminated foods does to the human body.


Morgaine said...

When humans are exposed to strontium, it can go everywhere in the body, and can even cross the mother-baby embryo barrier which blocks out practically everything.

It is able to do this because the body recognizes as being iron. That is why it spreads to so many parts of the body--it is carried in the blood which "recognizes it" as iron.

This is why strontium particles settle in the liver (causing liver cancer), the bones (causing all kinds of bone cancer), and in the lymph glands (causing lymphoma).

The worst part about strontium is it also locates in the gonads of both males and females (ovaries for the ladies, testicles for the guys).

In the men, it settles in an area of the testicles that deals with the genetic packet that goes into each sperm. It mutates the genetic code so that the sperm carry this mutant gene code to the ovary's egg.

When the fertilization occurs and the embryo starts dividing and being formed, a tiny particle of strontium will end up in a random place in the embryo and the baby will develop mutations there.

This produces mutations such as what were seen with the thalidomide birth defects 50 years ago (look it up yourself, please; it is too distressing for me to look at). For instance, the arms will turn out looking like little flippers at the shoulders, or limbs can be completely absent.

In women, the strontium ends up in the ovaries, and causes the same kind of thalidomide-type birth defects that it causes by being in the male sperm.

(As we all remember from biology class, the sperm carries one-half of the genetic packet, the egg carries the other half, and when the sperm enters the egg in fertilization, the genetic packets are combined.)

Understand, the GENETIC CODE ITSELF is mutated. The mutation doesn’t occur post-conception.

This mutated genetic code then is passed down through every generation it helps create, perhaps interacting (unfortunately) with other radioactivity-related genetic code mutations.

The outcome in this scenario is unknown, but I immediately think of Morlocks.

The human race is screwed if any of the radioactivity from Fukushima D gets into our food chain, which is highly possible because Japan is bulldozing contaminated earth under ground. And, of course, if it isn't in Japan's groundwater storage basins yet, it will be very soon.

But the human race is REALLY screwed if strontium gets in the food chain.

JD said...

A very informative and well written comment Morgaine. I'm afraid this nuclear disaster will affect us in more ways than anyone could ever imagine.

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Geiger Counters - Radiation Detection Meters - Handheld Radiation Detector

When it comes to radiation detection meters you really have a wide field of gadgets to choose from, however radiation detectors are the most common to use. First of all if you need to know what type of radiation you are looking for. There are Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation detectors. And also there is neutron emission of nuclear radiation. And all these different types of emissions have radiation detectors for a specific type of radiation that you can buy radiation detector for. Some also measure both Alpha and Beta. Others detect Alpha, Beta and Gamma. While others let you measure Beta and Gamma radiation.

What most people have use for though are Dosimeters you can buy a handheld radiation detector pretty cheap that are good addition to a survival kit. There are different kinds that you can use that will detect radiation. There are radiation badges that will tell you when radiation become high. Workers at nuclear power plants use these to inform them of how much radiation they have been exposed to. Now also children in the Fukushima prefecture have each been given a radiation badge so they know if they are exposed to radiation. Some come in the shape of a pen that you can carry in your pocket while other are made more compact so that you can attach them to your keychain. And then you have what is called a personal radiation monitor. These are also called Dosimeters and also normally called Geiger counters. Although not all use the Geiger-Muller Tube for the radiation detection some use a semiconductor instead. These and mostly the older geiger counters seen are pretty big to carry around, so they might not be best suited for a survival situation where you only need to carry the most important things. However if you have land and want to check radiation around the property and drinking water then these are the geiger counters to get because they are very well built units.

These are the once that you normally see people use. They have different units of radiation detection, because when it comes to radiation there are many standards used. some give the measurements in Rads, while other use Sieverts. Some have the maximum radiation value for the measured radioactivity quite low but they will still give you an idea of the amount of radiation in the area. With the units ranging from between background radiation 0.001 mSv/hr all the way up to 10 Sv/h. Normally a dosimeter will measure radiation in micro siverts per hour. If you were to walk into one of the reactor units at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant you probably would get an error reading from your dosimeter because the radiation levels are so high there.

Note that some places outside the exclusion zone in Fukushima that are too radioactive for people to live in have areas where the radiation levels are above 30 Sv/h. So if you are in a area that have high radiation the radiation detectors would also there go off the scale. However Geiger counters or radiation detectors are still favored as general purpose alpha/beta/gamma portable radiation detectors and radiation detection equipment, due to their low cost and robustness. Most come with an LCD Display that show you the radioactivity in the area. Nowdays you will even get alarm sound and the possibility to connect the device to a computer. Either with a Infrared, Bluetooth or USB connection.

So if you look at the radiation detectors for sale that have this, then these radiation detection meters will allow you to make maps of contaminated areas that show where the radiation is high and low. This also will help you to see which areas are becoming more contaminated over time. With several nuclear reactors in the US and around the world located near fault zones that makes it a danger if a big earthquake would hit the area there is always a good choice to have a radiation dosimeter avaliable. I'm sure many in Fukushima would have been grateful to have dosimeters avaliable at the time of the disaster and I am sure you to would be grateful to have a geiger counter handy when you need one.

