Hello everyone,
With all this "recent talk" about Fukshima leaking 400 tons of radioactive plutonium water into the Pacific Ocean every day (experts say it has most likely been going on for 2 years already) the safety for ourselves and our loved ones are on many peoples minds. The one thing that enables you to see the dangersous presence of radiation is with the well known Geiger Counter.
However not many people today can afford to get one because they do cost a bit. I remember that right after the Fukushima disaster most stocks of radiation meters where emptied so back then you could not even get one even if you had the money.
Well fortunetly you can make your very own homemade Geiger Counter for under $10. And if you already happen to have a simple volt meter you probably wont need more than a few bucks and some time to make one yourself.
MrTeslonian on Youtube recently made a very good video explaining and showing you exactly what you need to do. Some thin copper wire, small piece of aluminium pipe, aluminium foil (you could probably make due with just aluminium foil and not even have to use a pipe) and a volt meter set to AC Current and you are done. The great thing is that this simple homemade Geiger Counter will work for almost any form of radiation.
With all this "recent talk" about Fukshima leaking 400 tons of radioactive plutonium water into the Pacific Ocean every day (experts say it has most likely been going on for 2 years already) the safety for ourselves and our loved ones are on many peoples minds. The one thing that enables you to see the dangersous presence of radiation is with the well known Geiger Counter.
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Homemade Geiger Counter |
Well fortunetly you can make your very own homemade Geiger Counter for under $10. And if you already happen to have a simple volt meter you probably wont need more than a few bucks and some time to make one yourself.

I am certainly going to give this a try, because it's a simple design, you don't need a lot of time and most likely have all parts avaliable around the house. It's proven and tested and shows that it works. If another disaster where to happen I strongly urge everyone that is anywhere near any sort of nuclear power plant to at least learn how to put one of these things together if you don't already have or know someone that owns an Geiger Counter.
I was wondering if anyone made one of these 10$ Detectors and tested it. Or if I was to make one, How would I test it to make sure it is correct so I am not walking into a Radioactive shit storm.
Hi, I still have not made me one, but to test out and see if it works you should first get an average background reading. Walk around at home and take a few readings, then go outside and do the same. The numbers you get this way should be about the same. Write down this average number. If you start to see an increase at any time this could mean there are radiation and if you get x3 or x5 normal readings then you really should start to worry. If this is the case go and buy a radiation detector / geiger counter or dosimeter because only then will you be able to know the radiation CPM you are exposed to.
"With the units ranging from between background radiation 0.001 mSv/hr all the way up to 10 Sv/hr."
LOL. There is no place on Earth where people live with a background radiation level of 10 Sv/h. A single dose of 2 sieverts is fatal to 50% of those exposed. 8 sieverts is 100% fatal. If your background radiation is 10 Sv/hr, you are already dead.
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