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Friday, August 5, 2011

Fukushima Fallout 1000 Times Higher Than 1963 Peak ☢

by Bob Nichols

(San Francisco) – Dr. Chris Busby, world famous physicist, said tests run at the respected Harwell Radiation Laboratory in England demonstrate the airborne radiation in Japan is 1,000 times higher than radioactive “fallout” at the peak in 1963 of H-Bomb detonations by the nuclear powers. The calculations were on radioactive Cesium 137.
Busby certifies the poisonous, radioactive Japanese air to be at least 300 times worse than the air during the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster. Dr Janette Sherman, a highly respected physician and an acknowledged expert in radiation exposure, has estimated the world wide Chernobyl Kill to be at least one million people killed to date. The Chernobyl Disaster occurred April 26, 1986.
Dr. Busby obtained donated car air filters from vehicles in Fukushima and Chiba Prefectures as well as from Tokyo, Japan. Busby stated the radiation per cubic meter of air in Japan was calculated by knowing the size of the engines and the number of miles driven.
The estimates must be considered as conservative or low since the smallest particles go through the car air filters and emerge from the car’s exhaust. The smallest radioactive particles simply go through a human’s skin or go to the bottom of a human’s lungs and stay there. The poison radiates cells within a range extending 20 cells deep in all directions. The dead and dying or mutated cells become cancers and hundreds of other radiation related diseases.
The earth’s few nuclear states detonated a total of 2,045 Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs. During the period before international treaties shut them down, the US detonated more than 1,300 nuclear weapons “tests,” first in Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, next in the South Pacific, then largely in Nevada, USA. The Nevada site is in the South Western US 60 miles, or 96.5 km, from Las Vegas.
The H-Bomb fallout spread first northeastward with the prevailing winds; then went around the world. Yes, the US Department of Energy, DOE, lists the unwarranted Atomic Bomb attack at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan as “Tests”.
In 1963 the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was passed by the US Senate and most of the countries of the world. The ban extended to above ground atmospheric nuclear detonations only. However, some 25% of the underground detonations broke through to the surface or “vented”.
The on-going world wide nuclear slaughter would all make more sense if the massive war-like Fukushima Daiichi nuclear onslaught was an attack by Aliens from outer space. But no, there is no explanation as simple as that. This “kill them all” effect is a result of decisions of some amongst us, military elites and the richest corporations worldwide.
The lethal radioactive result, or Fukushima Kill, enveloping the world is unmistakable and inevitable, though.

Responsibility, Revenge and Punishment

What can we do to those who are killing us; and, for those no longer breathing, those already killed?
Well, first, we do know our murderers’ names and everything about them is in multiple public records in many countries all over the world. They can’t hide. They are much too egotistical to even try.
Officially they are grouped together as the Tokyo Electric Power Company and the General Electric Company. Strong and powerful as companies, they are weak and fearful of the wrath of the people in countries throughout the world.
Let us first Shun Them in the Old Way. That means to have nothing whatsoever to do with them either in business or private life. To us, they are dead.
Then the world can move to extract vengeance according to the Rule of Law. In the American Wild West of the Old Days it was called “Give them a trial then Hang’em – all legal like.”
Vengeance and Revenge for killing many millions of us with stationary nuclear weapons – leaking atomic reactors – shall be ours. Let’s wipe the Tokyo Electric Power Company and the General Electric officials and policy makers off the face of the Earth, as they manifestly deserve.

Sources and Notes:

Dr. Busby’s Data comparing radiation levels from the radioactive peak of atmospheric nuclear weapon detonations to Chernobyl and Fukushima.
As Measured at Harwell by British Radiation Laboratory and representing the Northern Hemisphere atmospheric level they reported Cesium 137 was 2.4 milliBecquerel per cubic meter. At the peak of the Chernobyl Radiation Disaster and Explosion the atmospheric radiation level was was 10 milliBecquerel per Kg of air, which is about a cubic Meter. A cubic meter of air weighs 1.189 kg.
Car air filters from Fukushima Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture and Tokyo, show the atmospheric level of Cesium 137 in June, 2011 for Cesium 137 was  2.7 Becquerels per cubic meter.
The Fukushima, Japan atmospheric radiation levels are 1000 times higher than at the peak of Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb atmospheric testing in 1963.
Measured Cesium 137 radiation from Chiba Prefecture, about 140 km from Fukushima, was 300 times higher than at the peak of atmospheric testing.
Professor Tatsuhiko Kodama is the head of the Radioisotope Center at the University of Tokyo. On July 27, he appeared as a witness to give testimony to the Committee on Welfare and Labor in Japan’s Lower House in the Diet.
“After 3 months, … I am shaking with anger.”
Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature, written by A. V. Yablokov, V. B. Nesterenko and A. V. Nesterenko, published by the New York Academy of Sciences in December 2009, translated and edited into a book by Dr. Janette Sherman. Dr. Sherman’s Website.
From Dr Sherman’s website:
“This is a collection of papers translated from the Russian with some revised and updated contributions. Written by leading authorities from Eastern Europe, the volume outlines the history of the health and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Although there has been discussion of the impact of nuclear accidents and Chernobyl in particular, never before has there been a comprehensive presentation of all the available information concerning the health and environmental effects of the low dose radioactive contaminants, especially those emitted from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Official discussions from the International Atomic Energy Agency and associated United Nations’ agencies (e.g. the Chernobyl Forum reports) have largely downplayed or ignored many of the findings reported in the Eastern European scientific literature and consequently have erred by not including these assessments.”
Nuclear detonation picture courtesy of Nuclear Defense Agency.
Copyright 2011 by Bob Nichols. All right reserved. Distribute with Notes and credit. Bob Nichols can be reached at

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Geiger Counters - Radiation Detection Meters - Handheld Radiation Detector

When it comes to radiation detection meters you really have a wide field of gadgets to choose from, however radiation detectors are the most common to use. First of all if you need to know what type of radiation you are looking for. There are Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation detectors. And also there is neutron emission of nuclear radiation. And all these different types of emissions have radiation detectors for a specific type of radiation that you can buy radiation detector for. Some also measure both Alpha and Beta. Others detect Alpha, Beta and Gamma. While others let you measure Beta and Gamma radiation.

What most people have use for though are Dosimeters you can buy a handheld radiation detector pretty cheap that are good addition to a survival kit. There are different kinds that you can use that will detect radiation. There are radiation badges that will tell you when radiation become high. Workers at nuclear power plants use these to inform them of how much radiation they have been exposed to. Now also children in the Fukushima prefecture have each been given a radiation badge so they know if they are exposed to radiation. Some come in the shape of a pen that you can carry in your pocket while other are made more compact so that you can attach them to your keychain. And then you have what is called a personal radiation monitor. These are also called Dosimeters and also normally called Geiger counters. Although not all use the Geiger-Muller Tube for the radiation detection some use a semiconductor instead. These and mostly the older geiger counters seen are pretty big to carry around, so they might not be best suited for a survival situation where you only need to carry the most important things. However if you have land and want to check radiation around the property and drinking water then these are the geiger counters to get because they are very well built units.

These are the once that you normally see people use. They have different units of radiation detection, because when it comes to radiation there are many standards used. some give the measurements in Rads, while other use Sieverts. Some have the maximum radiation value for the measured radioactivity quite low but they will still give you an idea of the amount of radiation in the area. With the units ranging from between background radiation 0.001 mSv/hr all the way up to 10 Sv/h. Normally a dosimeter will measure radiation in micro siverts per hour. If you were to walk into one of the reactor units at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant you probably would get an error reading from your dosimeter because the radiation levels are so high there.

Note that some places outside the exclusion zone in Fukushima that are too radioactive for people to live in have areas where the radiation levels are above 30 Sv/h. So if you are in a area that have high radiation the radiation detectors would also there go off the scale. However Geiger counters or radiation detectors are still favored as general purpose alpha/beta/gamma portable radiation detectors and radiation detection equipment, due to their low cost and robustness. Most come with an LCD Display that show you the radioactivity in the area. Nowdays you will even get alarm sound and the possibility to connect the device to a computer. Either with a Infrared, Bluetooth or USB connection.

So if you look at the radiation detectors for sale that have this, then these radiation detection meters will allow you to make maps of contaminated areas that show where the radiation is high and low. This also will help you to see which areas are becoming more contaminated over time. With several nuclear reactors in the US and around the world located near fault zones that makes it a danger if a big earthquake would hit the area there is always a good choice to have a radiation dosimeter avaliable. I'm sure many in Fukushima would have been grateful to have dosimeters avaliable at the time of the disaster and I am sure you to would be grateful to have a geiger counter handy when you need one.

