Fukushima Corium Eroding Concrete China Syndrome
Some already know we have a China Syndrome on our hands, but actually we got 6 reactor units in trouble so in reality the Fukushima Disaster have brought us China Syndrome x6 with 3 reactor units that have confirmed meltdowns. Before going into the story we need to look at the facts. Because when dealing with TEPCO they never give out anything that could hurt them. This is based on the countless of reports and analysis that have been done over the months since the beginning of the disaster. They have always downplayed and sugarcoated the disaster. We all remember the "hydrogen explosions" in the beginning and that "nothing was wrong with the reactors stories" that came out then.
☢ MP3 Fukushima Report with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 14 Nov 2011 ☢
And if you don't think the media is downplaying the situation have a look at this crap done by the BBC.
☢ Jim Al-khalili BBC Propaganda That Fukushima Nuclear Fallout Is Safe ☢
Reactor Building 1: 50 tons
Reactor Building 2: 81 tons
Reactor Building 3: 88 tons Uranium / Plutonium (UO2/MOX)
Reactor Building 4: 135 tons
Reactor Building 5: 142 tons
Reactor Building 6: 151 tons
☢ Melted Nuclear Fuel Corium Soon Outside Containment at Fukushima Reactor Units ☢
All N-fuel may have fallen to outer vessel / TEPCO: Up to 68 tons likely melted in No. 1 reactor, eroding concrete of containment unit
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Almost all the nuclear fuel inside the No. 1 reactor of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has melted, damaging the pressure vessel and eroding the concrete bottom of the containment vessel by up to 65 centimeters, the plant's operator has found.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. released its latest analysis Wednesday on the cores of the plant's Nos. 1 to 3 reactors, based on temperature, water levels and other data. TEPCO said the fuel inside the reactors has melted to various degrees following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
TEPCO has made the latest analysis to judge to what degree the fuel has cooled, as well as to ascertain if it can achieve its year-end target of a cold shutdown of the reactors, as stipulated in the timetable the utility company and the government have compiled to bring the nuclear crisis under control.
Following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, water injection at the No. 1 reactor was suspended for about 14 hours, resulting in damage more serious than in the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors, which had water injection suspended for six to seven hours, according to TEPCO.
The nuclear fuel at the No. 1 reactor melted as its temperature reached nearly 3,000 C at one time, TEPCO estimated. In the No. 1 reactor, TEPCO believes, almost all of the about 68 tons of fuel melted. This has not only seriously damaged the bottom of the steel pressure vessel enough to create holes, but the fuel has also fallen to the concrete bottom of the containment vessel, eroding it by up to 65 centimeters.
Only 37 centimeters of concrete remains between the fuel and the vessel's outermost steel wall in the most damaged area, TEPCO said.
Without water, the No. 1 reactor's fuel temperature was more than high enough to have melted everything inside the pressure vessel, not only the fuel itself but also the fuel control rods, the utility said.
TEPCO currently maintains a steady supply of water to the three reactors, enabling the No. 1 reactor to always have about 40 centimeters of cool water at the bottom of the containment vessel, enough to cover the melted fuel, according to the utility.
Both the government and the utility said the three reactors are experiencing no problems in maintaining cooling functions.
However, the melted fuel likely will be a major hurdle in removing fuel from the troubled reactors in the decommissioning process, which is expected to take more than 30 years.
(Dec. 2, 2011)
Duck and cover!
What are we supposed to eat? All of northern hemisphere bathed in toxins already!
And when will commercial media catch up to this story they have criminally ignored????
I was looking around on several news sites yesterday, CNN.. MSN.. I could not find any mention about anything related to Fukushima. It's a total media blackout!!
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