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Thursday, December 29, 2011

MP3 Fukushima Update - Yoichi Shimatsu and Jeff Rense

Well it's Yoichi Shimatsu again with Jeff Rense on his show, this is from 26 December 2011 and with 2012 approaching they talk a bit about the year that have passed. How could 2012 be any worse than this last year? It's hard to think of anything that could top the greatest nuclear disaster in the history of this planet. Only time will tell.

Cesium is now found 15 miles from the Fukushima plant in the groundwater, Yoichi talks about how in Japan they clear cut forests and mountain sides allowing the radiation to have easy access to the water table. SPEEDI (System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information) the program that the Japanese government have that show exactly where radioactive fallout where spread in Japan after the disaster. They had this program all this time, the knew where the radioactive material was going, have gone and they suppress vital information from the public.

The nuclear industry have an iron grip on the media both in Japan and the world. Top editors all over the world have been demoted because they report the truth behind Fukushima, that it was not safe or still is, nuclear meltdowns was a fact early on and that it's not under control at all. There is no freedom of press in this in any country it seems. This and much more is discussed in this 26 Dec 2011 Jeff Rense 23 min long program.

You can download it here and also from

Download MP3:
12-26-11 - HR3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Update

Earlier Related MP3s
☢ MP3 Fukushima Deteriorating with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 12 Dec 2011 ☢
☢ MP3 Fukushima Report with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 28 Nov 2011 ☢
☢ MP3 Fukushima Report with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 14 Nov 2011 ☢
☢ MP3 Radiation Update with Jeff Rense and Michael Collins 7 Nov 2011 ☢
☢ MP3 Fukushima Report with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 7 Nov 2011 ☢
☢ MP3 Fukushima Report with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 10 Oct 2011 ☢
☢ MP3 Fukushima and Secret Japan Nukes Program - Loss of Ozone Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 3 Oct 2011 ☢
☢ MP3 Fukushima Report with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 26 Sep 2011 ☢
☢ Fukushima Report 12 Sep 2011 ☢ 
☢ Inside Info Fukushima Disaster Aug 29 and Sep 05 2011 ☢

Transcribed first minutes of the MP3:
Jeff Rense: OK hour 3, lets go over to Asia and talk to our colleague and friend Yoichi Shimatsu. Are you there Yoichi?

Yoichi Shimatsu: Yeah sure am, you know Christmas here is not really celebrated, most these countries are Buddhist countries there is not a lot of that but we’re are sitting here and waiting for the new year the solar new year. The much dreaded, prophesied and anticipated 2012.

Jeff Rense: Right..

Yoichi Shimatsu: What I cant figure out is how 2012 could be any worse than 2011.

Jeff Rense: *Laughing* agreed.

Yoichi Shimatsu: I’m afraid the prophecy might have been a year late..

Jeff Rense: Well I’m afraid that it could be worse, I’m afraid that they have a hell of a show planed for all the sheep next year. We have seen enough idiocy this last year to last us a lifetime. The latest well water 15 miles from Fukushima Daiichi, Caesium in the water that’s the groundwater folks, that’s the water table. 

Yoichi Shimatsu: Yeah that’s what we expected it’s coming in very fast because proper cause where not taken. You know one of the problems is when they do cut forest in Japan just like in the United States they do clear filling of forest which means..

Jeff Rense: They clear cut over there too? Complete madness, complete stupidity..

Yoichi Shimatsu: Yeah not as large areas but lets say a single mountain side for example will be clear cut and then that allows, well you need the organic mater to stop the radioactive you know fallout in the rain … If you don’t have threes, and the most effectively the forest three but mosses also, mosses and ferns gather enormous, mushrooms gather enormous amount of radiation. So when you cut the threes and delude the land like that all of that you know biota die and what you are left with is water going directly into the rocks into the soil and it break down into the underground water supply and the underground streams and this is why it is showing up in the wells now. And it surprised me frankly I would have thought it would be taking us a couple of years, a couple of seasons.

Jeff Rense: 10 months yeah. Well this is 15 miles and then there is Caesium in it, I just got the story and now there is a lot to talk about here. We have first of all TEPCO announcing today that they are actually going to drill into the containment vessel in reactor 2 to find out what the hell is going on in there. They don’t know, but they are don’t worry the plant is in cold shutdown, don’t worry everything is stable.

Yoichi Shimatsu: Obviously they got to take a video scope, they can not, you know as much as they can wheel these optical fibres through, I guess they just can’t get to the base so they are going to start dig down there and take a sample a reading of what is actually happening. So I think probably what they are looking for is the hole to the outside you know where the cracks are or burn holes not cracks. Where the fuel has burnt trough to the concrete and try to follow that through. That’s why they are going down to the bottom. There is nothing else really to look for they know there is broken fuel rods down there, so obviously they are looking for the fissure the cracks and you know torch out hole there of the melted metal and try to follow that and trace it down and run that R.. scope all the way down into the ground as far as they can see. This is obviously what they are after here, they should have done this a long time ago that’s… So one of their late ineffective measures you know this is after what the expression they use to say in the wild west, “closing the corral gate” after all the horses have run out. Well the horses are out, they are in the well water. 

Jeff Rense: Well what they did with many of the horses living in Fukushima prefecture is that they let them out of the corral and told them to go to the wrong pasture. They sent them in to the much worse radioactivity, this is nuts.

Yoichi Shimatsu: Well that too, that’s the problem, see this new report by this blue ribbon panel has come out that are very critical to the governments response. The government had this program called SPEEDI (System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information) which takes all the wind direction, all the meteorological readings at different altitudes. And then it calculates if there is a nuclear release, it will calculate the fallout. It’s not precise but it will get down to lets say a 3 m2 area which is very small, exactly like size of some peoples pool tables essentially, two billiard tables put together. And they will calculate where exactly the radiation is going and they knew exactly. The ridiculous circles that they made these 20 km and 30 km circles where just not how radiation is spread. It spreads along the directional path of where wind and water will take it. And they moved a lot of people to the north west which was closer to Fukushima city but right in the sort of path of the radiation going up the mountain. And this is something, the government had the data. And the real shocking story is a good colleague of mine an Japanese editor, a senior editor, in fact a top editor of one of the Tokyo news papers. He did the first interviews, in the first month after the March 11 disaster through the former head of the nuclear safety commission who revealed the existence of this SPEEDI program. After this was published, immediately a powerful team from some unnamed ministry, you know the information ministry was probably involved. Visited him, had a long meeting, then he ended up, when I talked to him he was just shaky. He was like someone who just had been through these Soviet psychiatric programs, he was shaky and was trembling … he was in the hospital for a few days, came out to find out that he has been demoted .. He was a top editor and then he was demoted. And so we saw that as a very concrete incident. And I have heard stories of editors of other papers, producers at the national TV station NHK being demoted, basically punished for trying to report accurately of what happened in Fukushima. NHK world service was shut down for a minute when they reported the accident at Ona the earthquake damage at Onagawa station to the north, and so there was a massive plant down on the press. Which despite the fact that many of the American presses interested in Fukushima sent teams over there, were stonewalled and blocked all the way. A lot of the reporters did try and ask hard questions, did start to raise the alarm. And then suddenly in the United States this long hand from the nuclear industry came out and quelched all reporting. And everyone knows that there in no reporting at all on what’s happening and the impact of radiation in the United States. This has been a year of a media clamp down, this is not one country, we are talking about the United States and Canada the self-proclaimed champions of free press, truth in reporting, objective reporting gagged. Totally gagged, and if they are gagged imagine what things are like in other countries…

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Geiger Counters - Radiation Detection Meters - Handheld Radiation Detector

When it comes to radiation detection meters you really have a wide field of gadgets to choose from, however radiation detectors are the most common to use. First of all if you need to know what type of radiation you are looking for. There are Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation detectors. And also there is neutron emission of nuclear radiation. And all these different types of emissions have radiation detectors for a specific type of radiation that you can buy radiation detector for. Some also measure both Alpha and Beta. Others detect Alpha, Beta and Gamma. While others let you measure Beta and Gamma radiation.

What most people have use for though are Dosimeters you can buy a handheld radiation detector pretty cheap that are good addition to a survival kit. There are different kinds that you can use that will detect radiation. There are radiation badges that will tell you when radiation become high. Workers at nuclear power plants use these to inform them of how much radiation they have been exposed to. Now also children in the Fukushima prefecture have each been given a radiation badge so they know if they are exposed to radiation. Some come in the shape of a pen that you can carry in your pocket while other are made more compact so that you can attach them to your keychain. And then you have what is called a personal radiation monitor. These are also called Dosimeters and also normally called Geiger counters. Although not all use the Geiger-Muller Tube for the radiation detection some use a semiconductor instead. These and mostly the older geiger counters seen are pretty big to carry around, so they might not be best suited for a survival situation where you only need to carry the most important things. However if you have land and want to check radiation around the property and drinking water then these are the geiger counters to get because they are very well built units.

These are the once that you normally see people use. They have different units of radiation detection, because when it comes to radiation there are many standards used. some give the measurements in Rads, while other use Sieverts. Some have the maximum radiation value for the measured radioactivity quite low but they will still give you an idea of the amount of radiation in the area. With the units ranging from between background radiation 0.001 mSv/hr all the way up to 10 Sv/h. Normally a dosimeter will measure radiation in micro siverts per hour. If you were to walk into one of the reactor units at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant you probably would get an error reading from your dosimeter because the radiation levels are so high there.

Note that some places outside the exclusion zone in Fukushima that are too radioactive for people to live in have areas where the radiation levels are above 30 Sv/h. So if you are in a area that have high radiation the radiation detectors would also there go off the scale. However Geiger counters or radiation detectors are still favored as general purpose alpha/beta/gamma portable radiation detectors and radiation detection equipment, due to their low cost and robustness. Most come with an LCD Display that show you the radioactivity in the area. Nowdays you will even get alarm sound and the possibility to connect the device to a computer. Either with a Infrared, Bluetooth or USB connection.

So if you look at the radiation detectors for sale that have this, then these radiation detection meters will allow you to make maps of contaminated areas that show where the radiation is high and low. This also will help you to see which areas are becoming more contaminated over time. With several nuclear reactors in the US and around the world located near fault zones that makes it a danger if a big earthquake would hit the area there is always a good choice to have a radiation dosimeter avaliable. I'm sure many in Fukushima would have been grateful to have dosimeters avaliable at the time of the disaster and I am sure you to would be grateful to have a geiger counter handy when you need one.

